Open house is Thursday - October 6 from 6 – 8 pm
There will be a meeting of the Environmental
Club IMMEDIATELY after school on Thursday, October 6 in Room 316.
Anyone interested in the environment should attend. We will be planning
our yearly activities with the ESF students.
This year's yearbook is looking for artists to
enter the contest to create this year's cover. Our theme is "Look into
My Eye's and See My Falcon Pride." It must be drawn vertically and have
no more than 2 colors. Entries must be submitted
by November 5th to Ms. Gartner in room 254 or to your art teacher.
you interested in going to the Naval Academy, Coast Guard Academy,
Air Force Academy or do you just want some information on the Army
and AirForce ROTC
programs? If you are interested in these opportunities you should
attend the SERVICE ACADEMY DAY sponsored by US Senator
Kirsten Gillibrand on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18th at 6 pm at OCC. If you are
interested please see Mrs. Centore immediately!
Want to be a reporter and help keep Fowler
students informed? Any students interested in journalism, photography
and writing for the school's new digital newspaper "The Fowler Forum" is
invited to an informational meeting in room 254
next Wednesday, October 12 at 2:50 pm. Students who are in scheduled to
take Journalism next semester are encouraged to attend, and all
students who are interested but cannot take the class are also welcome.