Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Five economic stories to watch in 2015 - The Washington Post

Five economic stories to watch in 2015 - The Washington Post

Five economic stories to watch in 2015 - The Washington Post

1) What happens to oil?

2) What happens to Europe?

3) Will the Fed get it right?

4) Will wages begin to outperform prices?  to read some back round read this previous column - What's behind wage stagnation

5) Can China maintain strong economic growth? 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Where is your home? No I mean where is your birth country? Soccer Fan?

Who is going to Win?

Maybe Poland can pull off the upset - and move forward; they already have one of the great movie director's of all-time - The Three Colors Trilogy

World Cup Soccer 

- Catch the feeling ! 

Stone carving of the goddess Nike at the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Ephesus
Stone carving of the goddess Nike at the ruins of the ancient Greek city of Ephesus

If you think a soccer shoe makes the difference in being a better player,  then be sure to pray to the Sneaker God to help your team win.   

Art work by Google - accessed on June 19th. 

Also today is the Juneteenth Holiday

Monday, June 16, 2014

Cows with Guns

First there was Animal Farm, and now I stumble on Cows with Guns. Is there a revolution coming ?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Iranian Censors - Happy Tribute

An American Hit Song and Video as shown below - was copied in a tribute in Iran, and the young people who created the video were ARRESTED - for violating Iranian Laws.
Read the story here on BBC "The video shows three men and three unveiled women dancing to the song on the streets and rooftops of Tehran. Police chief Hossein Sajedinia said the "vulgar clip" had "hurt public chastity", the ISNA news agency said." (source BBC) - short clip on youtube - showing Iranian TV story of event.

Here is the Iranian Video. And for good measure - How about another - one from Istanbul - This song is great example of cultural diffusion, and how its movement is rapid with the advent of Social Media. Threatening traditions and government leaders worldwide.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Global I and Globa II April 1 through 17

World's Greatest Warriors

He came from Mongolia....but first his people mastered a revolutionary weapon

Spike TV's take on Genghis Khan

Africa - in Global II.

Question in class - why is only the bad we here about Africa, such as the commercials saying they need help.

Read about a  Famous Singer From Africa  

Watch her Story

China Dynasties - Past to Present

Review Ancient China - notes regents prep

Emperor  tombs
terra cotta soldiers  (transcript) , images

Genghis Khan's Tomb  - research - what do these sources say? similar to Chinese emperors' tombs

China's Great Wall -

A not so great wall

Video Clip on an Emperor's Tomb and the Soldiers that protected it

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Global I and Global II

Reminder to go to Castle Learning to review Regents Questions.  The castle link can always be found on the left side navigation bar. go to Castle Learning.

Also the Global Textbook can also be accessed on the left side navigation bar.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Islamic Golden Age

Watch Video -review The  Golden Age of Islam 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

africa in pictures

from the bbc Africa in Pictures

Global Studies March 3 -7

Global Studies I

Studied Rise of Islam and finished the week with a thematic essay on Friday.  Click here to get the assignment - The two belief systems that should written about are - Islam and Christianity. 
- Also review quizzes should be completed on Castle Learning
Homework - was a packet on the Origins of Islam

Global II 
Studied the Causes and Impact of World War II. Friday there was a quiz given and a dbq essay. The quiz can be accessed on

Homework: World War II, Section 1 and Section 2 packet and DBQ on The Road to War

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Global I and Global II Assignments Week of February 5

Work for Week of of February 3-7.

Global I assignments:

1) Monday Feb 3
- questions on early Russia worksheet
2) Tuesday Feb 4

2.1. Early Russia (Cloze Activiy - Russians, Slavs, state - fill in blank )
2.2  Christianity in Western Europe Q and A.  - Textbook
3) Wednesday, Feb 5
- snow day

4) Thursday Feb 6

5)  Friday 

Global II assignments

1) Monday Feb 3
 -- Fascism in Italy fill in the blank worksheet
- Chapter 27 section 4 Dictators in Europe worksheet2) Tuesday Feb 4

China - Qinq Dynasty to Mao. India, Turkey Q and A 
3) Wednesday, Feb 5
- snow day

4) Thursday Feb 6

5)  Friday 

Upcoming Assignments 

Global I
> -How to write an effective Thematic Essay.
> -Students have a thematic essay on geographic features. This guide walks them through every single step. From understanding the question and tasks to setting up a 4 square box in preparation to map out the essay. Finally, it offers a 4 paragraph template to completing their essay on geographic features. They can use the book to brush up on content (ie. How the Nile changed Egypt) or (How the Himalayas isolated India and China)
> -The students need the book and this packet.

 Global II
> -How to write an effective Thematic essay on "Turning points"
> -Students are given two charts (French Revolution) and (Russian Revolution) They first need to complete both charts using the textbook before they can begin the writing process. This will help them review the French Rev and Learn the Russian Rev at the conclusion of WWI.
> -Students will then use the same How to write an effective thematic essay to walk them through setting up thee "Turning Points" Essay. I modified the sheets I have attached to reflect "Turning Points" for global II instead of "Geographic Features". I want them to use French and Russian Revs.

Sunday, January 12, 2014