Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Pope decries slaughter of 'defenseless' Syrians

Pope decries slaughter of 'defenseless' Syrians during Christmas Day Message. !

"VATICAN CITY (AP) - Pope Benedict XVI has wished Christmas peace to the world, decrying the slaughter of the "defenseless" in Syria and urging Israelis and Palestinians to find the courage to negotiate."

He also comments on the Arab Spring, England and Egypt.  Read more from 9wsyr.com"

Sunday, December 16, 2012

What kind of activities should we be doing?

Post Comments here - on are the kind of class or school assignments you would like to do? Be creative - anything from writing a paper, building

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Mystery Questions

What is this all about can you solve the ideas here? Why are the Two list and what would be third ?

Will use inductive or deductive reasoning?



Thursday, December 13, 2012

India and Ireland

Sitar master and composer Ravi Shankar died Tuesday at a hospital near his home in the San Diego area. Shankar's foundation released a statement that says the musician had suffered from upper-respiratory and heart issues over the past year and underwent heart-valve replacement surgery last week. He was 92.
When he was just 10 years old, Pandit Ravi Shankar began performing in Europe and the U.S. with his family's Indian dance troupe. It was a glamorous life: the best hotels, the best meals, celebrities coming backstage to say just how much they'd enjoyed the concert. But at age 18, Shankar gave up all the glitter and went back to a dusty little town in India to study with a guru who taught him the sitar. He apprenticed for years, then started to play in public on the ancient and difficult string instrument. Eventually, he became a master. go to NPR to  read more.
Indian Music Legend Dies

and Find his music on Pandora

Ireland - NPR Dec 12

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Reasons for the Fall of the Roman Empire

Who was Flavius? Who was Attilla?

Faith, Beliefs, Reason and Courage

Back in the Middle Ages - how did Faith, Beliefs, Reason and Courage play out. http://youtu.be/sj3Jw1DLGpA And in Modern Times

Monday, November 26, 2012

Pro Football and Islam

Islam and Football Part I

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Part II of Islam and Football - The Pilgrimage 

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Watch new series called   History of Us.

Why is no one going to Timbuktu?

Industrial Revolution

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why Global Studies matters -US Foreign Policy

In the Presidential Debate the following was mentioned

al-Qaeda   - Timeline of Attacks

Israel  -    Where is it when did it start (Wikipedia Link )  CIA fact book



See a List of the Following Regions and Continents as reported by the CIA Factbook

Middle East Countries 

South Asia

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dalai Lama - Common Ground for Peace

Dalai Lama visits SU for Common Ground for Peace event

Read more on Syracuse.com

and see more here - the One World site

American Football in Mexico

Watch this videoclip from Sports Illustrated regarding Mexican high school football players traveling to Texas to compete against the best.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

Global Interdependence - What is it?

Global Interdependence -what is it? 

"In a world where global interdependence is not simply an aspiration of idealists, but a brute fact of the forces that bind us together—global warming, financial capital, AIDS, telecommunications, crime, migration, and terrorism—many people still think in narrow, insular terms."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Industrial Revolution creates Imperialism

New Questions added daily, - previously  Geography and Economics, Belief Systems Medieval Europe , China  Africa  and Latin America

What was the Industrial Revolution? How did it cause Imperialism, and how did Imperialism lead to World War I?

10 Questions on the Industrial Revolution

26 Questions on Imperialism

7 Questions on World War I

Textile Mill Workers - Children !

Monday, June 4, 2012

Geography and Economics

New Questions added daily, - previously Belief Systems Medieval Europe , China  Africa  and Latin America

What do you know about Geography and Economics?

31 Geography Questions

20 Economic Questions

source: NYS Global Regents - Jan 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Belief Systems - Quizzes

New Questions added daily, - previously Medieval EuropeChina  Africa  and Latin America

The worlds major belief systems include: Animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Daoism (Taoism), Judaism, Hinduis, Islam, Shintoism.  Review a list of belief system vocabulary words then take the following quiz.

Take a  quiz to test your knowledge of belief systems.  28 Questions.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Historical Europe Quizzes

New Questions added daily, - previously, China  Africa  and Latin America

More Historical Europe Quizzes -  You don't have to put your real name , when requested.

2)  Banking & Renaissance Vocab Quiz
3) Basic Geography Quiz
5) The Rome Review Quiz

Medieval manuscript illustration of the three classes of medieval society: clergy, knights, and the peasantry
 source wikipedia commons 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Global Review - Chinese Communism

New Questions added daily, - previously  Africa  and Latin America

China from Dynasties, Imperialism,  Revolution and 
Tiananmen  Square Massacre

Today - China

Quiz - From Pearson's -Ancient China and India
           and   Early China Civilization 
Quiz on Chinese Communism

Background information on Confucianism and Taoism

Important Historical Event - watch Frontline's story of "Tank Man"

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Africa Review and Syria

Reviewing major ideas , events in Africa for Regents.

1)  Quiz on Africa Trading Kingdoms

2) Quiz on Apartheid in South Africa

3) Quiz Colonial Independence and Collapse of  Imperialism

4) Quiz on Africa (different site)

Key Figure in African History
Read about Nelson Mandela

Watch a series on the Apartheid Movement - on Independent Lens 

Review the Rwanda Tragedy - watch videos, review timelines - "Triumph of Evil"by  Frontline

Stay up on Global Current Events

Syria violence caught on camera

Fighting continues as UN peace broker Kofi Annan arrives in Damascus. NBC’s Richard Engel reports.

Charles Taylor - sentenced for War Crimes

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mideast Timeline

  Review a timeline - showing some recent Mideast Political Events -does not include the recent Arab Spring.
Nor does include the Israeli issues.

Now take a quiz on the Middle East.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Regents Review

There is less than a month to the New York State Global Regents. Here are some links to help you review for the Regents.

1) Review by Region: - Edusolution page 

2) Review by Topic   - Regents Prep

3) In depth review with Khan Academy

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Holocaust Remembrance and other Genocide Related News.

Watch Taylor's Conviction 'Pushes International Law Further' on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.

Charles G. Taylor was set to learn on Thursday whether a court will find him guilty of atrocities committed against civilians in Sierra Leone during that country’s civil war.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Burma Historic Vote - Compared to Gandhi

 What is historic about the event? Why  is it on the news?  List facts, examples, and details.

From NBC News

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Also in the news as reported by NBC on April 1, 2012. How is the world responding to the events of Syria - where people have been murdered for protesting against the current government. What role is the United States playing?

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rap and Syria Protests

Published: March 21, 2012
A calendar of the estimated number of deaths in the country each day since the beginning of the uprising - currently since protest began - March 15 2011 - estimates are up to 10,000 have died. . see Chart 

Many Artists including poets in Syria have spoken out - but have lost their life doing. Click here to read about what happened to one such brave poet.

Below is a protest song.

Syria - Rap Video - Protest Song

What can people do to assist people who are being oppressed? 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

1 Year Ago - Japan's Natural Disaster

Japan 1 Year Ago - an Earthquake then a Tidal Wave

There have been many videos, pictures posted, but this Artistic collaboration captures the story.

In comes via NPR  
"On "In The Water Where The City Ends," from her latest record,Silver Silver, White's voice is at its most haunting as she recalls, in disjointed poetry, the tsunami that devastated Japan's Tohoku region last year"  Read or Listen to NPR story

Friday, March 9, 2012

Smuggling refugees

Refugees Flee Syrian Violence in Turkey
Published: March 6, 2012
Thousands of Syrians have crossed the border to escape the growing conflict in their country. see photos

Thursday, March 1, 2012

World Events Week of Feb 27

From NBC News

Friday's contest is first since bloody crackdown on opposition protesters in 2009

Syria Smuggling People in and out, in face of the deadly Crackdown. go to story

and a story about a man who chose to stay despite a crisis.

To learn more watch the NBC Rockcenter Report

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sudan - Humanitarian Crisis

Sudan is on the brink of yet another humanitarian crisis. 

The situation is dire and growing worse every day "Members of the Genocide Intervention Network  met villagers and refugees who have endured untold violence — suffering from aerial bombings and attacks from ground troops for months on the orders of President Omar al-Bashir. And now, unable to plant or harvest crops without becoming a target, entire communities — men, women and children — are facing the very real threat of starvation and disease as Bashir continues to block shipments of humanitarian supplies. Without immediate action, families will be out of food by March."

Read more. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Syria - Violence worsens! and Iranian Jews conflicted

Syria - news report from NBC -   -Did the U.N. vote give the Syrian Regime the feeling they could attack citizens without consequences from the World?

and from NPR

Jews With Ties To Iran And Israel Feel Conflicted

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Russia, China veto U.N. action on Syria; opposition group calls for strike - CNN.com

Russia, China veto U.N. action on Syria; opposition group calls for strike - CNN.com

- As international anger grows over reports of mass carnage at the hands of the Syrian regime, a U.N. Security Council draft resolution condemning Syria failed to be adopted Saturday after veto-wielding members Russia and China voted against it.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Syria - Violence - Should the U.S. be involved?

 What is happening in Syria - why does it matter? consider  Should the U.S. or the U.N.  assist the Syrians? What are the impacts of a potential U.N. Solution? Why doesn't Russia sign on?

Listen to an important moment in Syria's history - on NPR  - then watch a news clip from this week. Then you can  follow  todays events  in Syria here 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

In Italy, Art As A Window Into Modern Banking : NPR

In Italy, Art As A Window Into Modern Banking : NPR

January 31, 2012

As Italy and much of Europe struggle with their finances, the city of Florence has staged an art exhibition looking at the critical — and controversial — role that financial institutions have played for centuries.

The recent Money and Beauty exhibit, held in the majestic 15th-century Palazzo Strozzi, illustrated how Florentine merchants got around the Catholic Church's ban on money-lending and bankrolled the Renaissance.

With the Bible explicitly condemning usury, the lending of money was relegated to Jews, one of the few professions they were allowed to practice.

Read more to see photos of pictures that are window into the commercial revolution that the Renaissance possible.

In Italy, Art As A Window Into Modern Banking : NPR


In Booming Istanbul, A Clash Between Old And New : NPR

In Booming Istanbul, A Clash Between Old And New : NPR

An excerpt

On a frigid January morning, bundled-up travelers step off a ferry and scurry toward the imposing stone walls of the Haydarpasa train station, a 19th century landmark in Istanbul, a city full of history.

The people boarding this morning are nostalgic. They're longtime station employees, taking one of the last train runs to Eskesihir, where the station's first director-general is buried.

They're going, as it were, to give him bad news — that Haydarpasa's 150-year service as a public transportation center may be coming to an end.

Officially, the station is closing temporarily, for repairs and the laying of high-speed track. But employees fear that during the two-year closure, the decision will be made to convert the station to a more lucrative purpose. Plans are still under discussion, but possibilities include a luxury hotel, perhaps with a museum, and a shopping mall.

The potential closing of this iconic station is just one of the fast-moving major projects alarming urban planners and local activists.

Working-class neighborhoods have been cleared of their inhabitants to make way for villas and hotels. Public schools and hospitals, some in historic buildings, are being sold to private developers. And a third bridge across the Bosporus is planned, which would bring roads and development to a large swath of forest land in the city's northern reaches.

In Booming Istanbul, A Clash Between Old And New : NPR

Read more to discover why this story is important.