Friday, December 30, 2011

Civilians in Syria face fight for supplies -

From CNN

n Homs, Syria's third-largest city and a focus of resistance to the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, snipers pose a direct threat to civilians. But the risk of being shot is just one problem they face -- their daily challenge is finding food, fuel and medical care.

One foreign journalist and film-maker who was recently in Homs said trash was piling up in the streets and fighting has led to a shutdown of basic services. CNN has agreed not to name the journalist for his own security.

While people are not yet starving, he said food was becoming harder to find. The journalist filmed a long line of people queueing for bread in the district of al Khalediyah. One man described his struggle to eat: "I have not eaten bread for 10 days. With all these checkpoints and the constant shooting it is almost impossible to move around."

Civilians in Syria face fight for supplies -

New Year's traditions around the world

New Year's traditions around the world

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Global I and II Benchmark Exams on Nov 21, 22

Review for the Global Benchmark Exams - go to Castle Learning to review for the exam. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Syria - from Protest to a Revolution?

Important developments this week in Syria - could the protest movements growing into a full - scale - civil war / revolution.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Global Studies - Online Textbook

All students can have online access to the class textbook - use this login information.

Go to this webpage -

User Name - gglobal

Password -  u6u8p

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tests - Thursday and Friday

All Global Classes I and II will have a benchmark (unit ) exam  - on Thursday and Friday.  Use Castle Learning and your notes and hand outs to prepare for exam.

Government Class - your journal response regarding Social Media and Free Speech is do on Thursday as well.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Participation in Government - Social Media and and the 1st Amendment

Should the 1st Amendment idea of free speech apply to the modern internet tools of social media? submit your answer below, or email or submit a typed or written 200 words.

2 historic people -just passed away - Were they heroes or villians.

Need Extra Credit or a Muffin - Answer the following questions - in a 150 word - mini statement - and if you are one of the 1st three to submit a decent answer - you will receive extra credit or a muffin (if your one of the 1st three. 

Who were these two people? Heroes or Villains? How did they impact their society , their community. Should they be remembered as a hero or villain or neither?

Person 1
Who was this man. -- when did he live - what his impact - read about him here

Person 2
2 pieces on this leader.
Who is this man? Why important?      and  10 ways this man changed the world

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Open House and other Annoucements.

Open house is Thursday - October 6  from 6 – 8 pm

There will be a meeting of the Environmental Club IMMEDIATELY after school on Thursday, October 6 in Room 316.  Anyone interested in the environment should attend. We will be planning our yearly activities with the ESF students.

This year's yearbook is looking for artists to enter the contest to create this year's cover. Our theme is "Look into My Eye's and See My Falcon Pride." It must be drawn vertically and have no more than 2 colors. Entries must be submitted by November 5th to Ms. Gartner in room 254 or to your art teacher.

Are you interested in going to the Naval Academy, Coast Guard Academy, Air Force Academy or do you just want some information on the Army and AirForce ROTC programs?  If you are interested in these opportunities you should attend the SERVICE ACADEMY DAY sponsored by US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18th at 6 pm at OCC.  If you are interested please see Mrs. Centore immediately!

Want to be a reporter and help keep Fowler students informed? Any students interested in journalism, photography and writing for the school's new digital newspaper "The Fowler Forum" is invited to an informational meeting in room 254 next Wednesday, October 12 at 2:50 pm. Students who are in scheduled to take Journalism next semester are encouraged to attend, and all students who are interested but cannot take the class are also welcome.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fowler Annoucements. Football Wins !

 - Fowler Wins in Football
-  Meetings:  Baseball, National Honor Society, 

1) Great news Fowler won the game against Fulton 14-8 in OT!!!  It rained heavy throughout the game with the team playing hard the entire time. Click here to read it on

 2) Brief meeting in the auditorium at 2:10 for anyone interested in playing any level of baseball this year.

3) There will be a National Honor Society meeting tomorrow at 2:10 in the library.  All current members and interested students should attend.  All current members should report to the library today right after school as well

To see the weekly sports schedule click here. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Football, Global, and Government

Football Game
Time- 6 p.m   Where- Corcoran,  Fowler  vs. Fulton

Participation in Government Class, get your assignment in today - a week early and earn automatic 100 if 150 words in length. 

Global AIS and  II classes. , complete all 5 Castle Learning exams by Monday - to recieve a 100 on Castle Learning Participation.

Football Tonight ! 
Time- 6 p.m   Where- Corcoran,  Fowler  vs. Fulton

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Music, Voting and the "Economics of Learning"

Today's Highlights

1) Global II class discussed the economics of school - what "good" is being exchanged. Following #3 is the assignment that is due Monday.

2) Participation in Government class created persuasive essay's on why young voter's are apathetic.

3) In Global I we built time line, discussing past, present and future.  And Global music was shared including
      Music from Africa - The Congo  - click to view. , ; Somalia click to view , and from South Asia    click to view

Global II assignment - due Monday.

Write 50-75 words - Describing Global II class. Use the following prompts to help you answer the question.
 - Why is Global II important? Or isn't - explain your answer.
- What is Global II  ? What is the main idea of the course? What "good" is exchanged?
- What is Learning, do people need this "good" (service)? 
- Does this class  have classroom culture that supports learning? explain
- What is geography, and history of this class? Do you think everyone will pass the exam? explain.

Voting - does it matter - Debate....

- Voter Apathy - What is it ? Are you an "Apathetic Voter" (not interested in voting) ?  Should we worry if everyone has it?

 - Today there is Republican Primary Debate

1) - Check out ad for debate

2) Click here to watch a campaign ad for one of the candidates.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wed - Analyzing Events - Why it Matters.

Wed, Sept 21.  - Day 2

Global classes have been analyzing events, key Regents exam concepts,building vocabulary  and checking for knowledge using Castle Learning. 

People can still solve this week's challenge - click here to see the question. 

Also check out some world music  - click here to choose and listen.

Girls Volleyball Game today at Fowler starting at 4:30 !

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Class Events

Today is a Day 1.

Global II today was reviewing regents, and in library using email and castle learning.

Participation in Government:  1st Draft write 50-75 words answering questions on Youth Voting. Over 18 postings have been received as of 3:30 pm.  Some will be posted once permission granted.

 Global I - Worked on sequencing events to create timeline, and create visuals for critical Global Studies words to know.

Sporting Events today
 ESM (3-1-0) at   Fowler  (3-1-1) - 4:30 pm at Burnet Park.

Girls Vollleyball Game in Fowler Gym - 4:30.

Scroll down to next Blog entry to read about today's challenge

Challenge 1

Review the "home page" of, and describe the ads are being shown. If you click on the ads -what happens? Compare the ads - Is there anything similar about them? What is different?   The first 10 students  who email me will win a Fowler Library muffin or something of equal value.   You must send the email to

Update  9:53 - There is still time to answer the question and win, only a few so far have completed the challenge.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Class Assignments

Today is a Day 2.

All Global classes will need to sign and complete the short geography quiz on Castle Learning.

In Global AIS class today, we reviewed a Global Regents and classified the 1st 10 questions, identify key words, and reviewed the correct answers.   We also reviewed castle learning in the library and attempted to complete a geography review exam.

In Global II- class - We we reviewed a Global Regents and classified the 1st 10 questions, identify key words, and reviewed the correct answers. We reviewed what a Global Regents is, who takes it, why is important, and what are the different parts. We also discussed what is learning? what is good teaching? How do we know it when see it, hear it and feel it. Finally we then took a quiz on geography and key terms.

An update will be published later today. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

District Email Assignment Due

Global II, Government AIS and Participation in Government classes your first technology assignment is due by Friday, Sept 16. Assignment is to:  send me a "district email". Once I receive your email I will  then reply to the email I send to you sent confirming I received it.  If you have not received an email from me, send another requesting your "100" for the assignment -due Monday. Use the webmail link on the left side to access district email.

Tryout for Dracula are Today  - Sept 15 -after school. What is Dracula - watch the movie trailer. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Global II - Assignment.

Directions: Respond to one of the three writing prompts. Use at least 25 words in your answer.

1) Hypothesize is history important? Define History? Can you give an example of historic event in your life or in the world?

2) Hypothesize how a student best learns.  Discuss and give examples of what learning sounds like, looks like, feels like? Is learning important?

3) Hypothesize what a good teacher does. Identify some important classroom rules that will help a student learn and the teacher teach. 

Answer by clicking on the comment button or write your response on a piece of paper and hand it in by the of the day. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fowler Classes have begun!

Global Studies II - Day 1 Block 1, Participation in Government met - Day 1 Block 3, and Global Studies I. all met.  Block 4 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Syria - Uprising - Capital City unaffected.

Life in Damascus Unaffected by Rebellion

DAMASCUS, Syria — As protests broke out across a restive Syria on a recent Sunday, and crowds were dispersed yet again by gunfire that left many dead, the conversation in the capital dwelled not on the uprising but rather on nails, along with the choice of polish and hair color and the latest in makeup trends.

“I want either fuchsia or orange to match my dress,” a woman in her 50s said as she rummaged through a box of nail polish in an upscale beauty salon in Damascus. “Either one.”
It does not take long to realize that there is a disconnect between Damascus and the rest of Syria. With a mix of denial and fear, and occasionally even satisfaction at the government’s determination to stanch dissent, many Damascenes insist on another reality.

Read more

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Regime Change - The Rebels may finally end the war today or...

from the New York Times

Rebels Invade Qaddafi Compound

TRIPOLI, Libya — Rebel fighters flooded into Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s sprawling compound on Tuesday, overwhelming what remained of its defenses and running pell-mell through the grounds, as the crackle of gunfire and rumble of explosions spread across a confused and wary Libyan capital in spasms of renewed fighting.

Read more here

Should the U.S help? How money? Send people? 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wealthy in China - Problems for Communist Leaders

Captitalism vs. Communism

Read in Washington Post

Site update

This site is still being updated, so links and design are changing almost daily in preparation of the start of school.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

CNN Reports - Cutting cell phone service to stop protest

Friday, August 12, 2011

Civics / Government

Civics government postings. from current events -reflections

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Culture and Sports -> Ramadan - practicing in late night.

From the New York Times

All-Nighters Keep Football Team Competitive During Ramadan
Published: August 10, 2011
To accommodate its many fasting players, Fordson High School in Dearborn, Mich., holds two-a-day practices from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. in the first week of the preseason.

see images

Site Design update

Site is undergoing revisions in preparation for a September 1 launch.  Today navigation bar changes, news feed added to bottom. More to come. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Today's News - Water Shortages, Class Warfare and Human Rights.

Water Shortages - U.S. versus the World
Read and listen to the story on NPR - click the link above.

Human Rights in China  and France - Religious Freedom

April 11, 2011
"More than 100 Chinese Christians have been detained after they worshiped outdoors. One Chinese state-run newspaper called the meeting "illegal" and a "public disturbance," and accused Christians of trying to politicize religion"  - NPR - Click here to Read and Listen to the NPR Morning Edition Story

France the Burqa Ban
April 11, 2011
A law banning the face-covering Muslim veil takes effect Monday in France, where the garments are called burqa or niqab. President Nicolas Sarkozy says the veils are an assault on French values of secularism and equality of the sexes, and now they can no longer be worn in public. Critics say the French president is trying to attract right-wing voters by focusing on Muslims.

We may have many human rights here in the U.S. but the power of the elite crush the financial rights of the Middle and Lower Financial Classes. 
In the story here NPR discusses banks foreclosing on people with no justifiable reason.
"But Dahlmer says that for a year and a half, her lender — Bank of America — has been losing her documents and dragging out a loan modification she qualified for. And lately, the bank has been threatening to foreclose."Read and Listen to the Story on NPR.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

U.N visit to Capitol Hill

Many important ideas here. Including a change in U.N. policy in Human Rights and Dictatorship issues.

Past and Present Policy on Libya

Time’s Up, Qaddafi
Published: April 5, 2011
My purpose on this mission to Libya is to meet with Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and persuade him to step aside.
Read article in NY Times Newspaper

Propaganda, Dictatorships, The forgotten place
From the Windows of Abidjan
Published: April 5, 2011
Cooped up at home, we watched war come to Ivory Coast.