Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Presidential Conventions

Plagiarism - Ms. Trump

Teachers: Melania Trump would've gotten an "F" for her speech, or even be expelled
Rachel Van Dongen · July 19, 2:42 PM
The Post’s education team asked teachers what would happened if Melania Trump was a student and handed in a speech like the one she delivered in Cleveland last night.

According to Emma Brown, Nick Anderson and T. Rees Shapiro, nothing good would have come out of it.

Here’s more:

…high school teachers and college professors say it is almost certain that if Melania Trump were a student turning in a paper — rather than a prospective First Lady giving a convention speech — the consequences would be serious, ranging from an F on the assignment to expulsion from school.

Josh Davis, who teaches high school English and journalism in Beachwood, Ohio, said Trump’s speech is a classic example of the kind of plagiarism he sees among high school students.

“Sure, some words were changed, but the shell is the same,” Davis said. “It’s a pretty clear example of what I might see, where a student took another kid’s paper and changed half a dozen words and said ‘Oh, I paraphrased it, so it’s mine.’ And I say, ‘No, you plagiarized it.’”

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